

AuraTransformation™ is a powerful modality that gives you a permanent expansion of your consciousness and your whole energetic system a boost, while allowing you to move past old patterns and programming with more ease so you can step into the life you desire.

If you have been unable to create and accomplish things in your life because of self-criticism, judgment and fear, AuraTransformation™ gives you your own inner boundaries and ability to embrace loving yourself.

Also aids in releasing the emotional patterns that have kept you in suffering and opens your consciousness, giving you a deeper awareness of your emotions and experiences, thus giving you the freedom to choose what is right for your spirit with a new understanding and awareness of your actions.

AuraTransformation is for You:

  • If you feel overly sensative to others opinions of you
  • Overly empathetic and take on other’s emotions and struggles as your own
  • Have no boundaries and having to guard yourself with others
  • Unable to create and accomplish your dreams due to fear and self criticism
  • Just exhausted

With an AuraTransformation:

  • Become more aware of your own mental, emotional and physical needs
  • Your energy will no longer be fueling unconscious programs that your true inner self does not desire to follow
  • Your energy will no longer be drained from building energetic walls of protection when around other people
  • Additionaluy  dissolving your old behavior patterns, emotional imbalances and physical blockages
  • Increases your self confidence creates healthy boundaries
  • Brings you into your Dharma—what you do with your life path—and you will be able to chart your own course more effortlessly free of outside influences

If you feel like you have a tendency to hold onto old patterns even when you want to make changes in your life, and believe that personal development requires a certain amount of suffering, then…

AuraTransformation is for you!

Contact me via Text if this Resonates with You:  (913) 378 – 6161